
Hey all! :wave: Iā€™m Siwy (Siwyenbast is my full screen name). Iā€™ve been doing the TTRPG since 2004, when I first ran into a BESM d20 game at the original Oni-Con. Iā€™ve already filled out my profile, so thereā€™s that, but as a heads up, I am an autistic person. Iā€™m from the Houston area (west side).
Iā€™m also an aspiring SFF author and am currently working on a superhero story.

When it comes to gaming, I prefer story above most else. It has equal footing with player agency, imo. Player safety is above those two, but thatā€™s my LARP side peeking out.

As for what systems I play, I mostly get into a few, listed here:

D&D 5e
World of Darkness (WtA, MtA, MtR)
Chronicles of Darkness (CtL)
Mutants and Masterminds 3e
BESM d20 and 3e
Champions (if someone helps me with the math)

And Iā€™ve been known to text roleplay on forums as well. Itā€™s an old hobby of my youth that I like to revisit sometimes.

Now, I mostly play these, but if my schedule allows, I can run stuff after my current deadlineā€™s done with for my story. If I end up doing a MtR game, though, prepare for my Egyptology side to gut the metaplot background stuff of oWoD and replace it with more historically accurate stuff. I also use the X card and the check-in system to make sure that my players are comfortable.

Iā€™m probably going to be scarce for a bit, because writing, but Iā€™ll keep tabs on this place off and on.


Hi bluesguy! My father - a mechanical engineer - was a SF fan as well. He had stacks of SF novels and magazines dating back into the '30s that I read and loved. We bonded tightly over a shared love of SF!

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Hi Spindrift! Interesting set of games! I also see you are also a friend of Levi Kornelsen! Welcome aboard!

Long time no see. I played a few sessions with you when you were testing StarCluster2 (IIRC).

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Hello everyone ! It has been a long time since I was involved with the older incarnation of PPG. Glad to see it resurface.

I like games ! Always have. Real life gets in the way. I have shelves of un-played or under-played games.

Some of my games (both RPG and Wargames) that need more play time:
Savage Worlds
Interface Zero
Stars Without Number


Hi Saxinus! My, that was almost 20 years ago! Good to see you! StarCluster is up to 4 now - has been for like 5 years!

Hello everyone! Iā€™m Stormdancer, and Iā€™ve been doing RPG in one form or another since the mid 90ā€™s, which still doesnā€™t feel that long ago. I am pretty much a forever player, though I have given some thought to perhaps running a game at some point. I used to do a well, I guess Iā€™d call it a freeform RPG, in which Iā€™d created portions of a world. I call it freeform because there werenā€™t really any rules, just several people writing as different characters and interacting with each other to tell a story. Iā€™ve written a few short stories based off of my characters in that world, and recently Iā€™ve been working on expanding it and hopefully turning it into a playable TTRPG world in the future.

Right now Iā€™m having fun playing in three different campaigns with a large group of friends: Wildemount, Midgard, and Drakkenheim. Two of them have clerics and I branched out and made a Rogue for the third one. lol My friends like to tease me a bit since I typically go for the cleric.

Very glad to see this site back up and running!


Great to see everyone, and a few familiar names!

Iā€™m Craig and, like many of you, have been at it since the early 80s and the red box set.

D&D and gaming in general have stamped the course of my life. Iā€™ve worked in the video games industry for over two decades now and itā€™s all due to the RPGs we all enjoy. Iā€™m so thankful for that. My proudest achievement as a gamer is the fact that my kids are now adults and play RPGs as well!

Forever DM with nothing but joy in that. I mostly run D&D and tend to blend in a path that allows for typical adventure, intrigue, and a mix of rules that make political and nation level games a possibility for my friends.

Iā€™m looking forward to reconnecting with everyone!


Heya, @Siwyenbast, just curious, did you participate in NaNoWriMo this year? I gave it a try bet fell well short of the 50k target. Still, it did spur me into action to actually start writing.

I hear you there, the naugties and teens just flew past.

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Hello. I got started with a second-hand set of the Little Brown Books in '76, my wife got started with AD&D 2E. Iā€™ve been recovering/rebuilding after a long, nasty chronic illness. Made it over 6 months with almost no symptoms so far. Just started revising, reworking a bunch of stuff left-over from our blog and other projects and was wondering about what social media to look into. Very pleased to see PPG reincarnated. Have a great day everyone! Enjoy life, roll the dice, and Have Fun!!


Keep getting better man.

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Another new old guy here from the old site. I really hope this picks up steam!


Hi everyone! Iā€™ve been playing PnP RPGs since the 1990s when I was first introduced to AD&D 2E. I was a bit late entering the hobby owing to my childhood being in a tiny, isolated, and conservative village with no knowledge of the EXISTENCE of D&D until I had just entered my 20s. Still, I readily took to it and it has become a lifelong hobby ever since.

Iā€™ve played dozens of systems, both mainstream and indie. I have eclectic tastes in general, so Iā€™ve never shied away from trying something new. Iā€™m currently running a Pathfinder 1E game in a home brew setting I created just for that campaign. I mostly GM and when I do so it is 99% of the time in a home brew setting. I donā€™t dislike the published ones, but I do prefer inventing the world as I GM it.

Iā€™ve dabbled in RPG publishing a few times, but nothing of any noteworthy result. I have been told several times over the years that I should publish my primary home brew fantasy setting of 20+ years, but to be honest, I canā€™t imagine it being any better than any one of the many settings already available.

What else to sayā€¦ Iā€™m married with two young boys (I also started my family late) and I live in Newfoundland, Canada, so be thankful this is a text based forum and you donā€™t have to wade through my ā€œPirates of the Caribbeanā€ sounding accent! :smile:


Hey there,

Been away from the game a long time, but found a good group and recently started up again.
Playing Blades in the Dark and Delta Green on Roll20.
Running Earthdawn 4E on FoundryVTT.

Storied history with many games, including AD&D2E, Cyberpunk 2020, Deadlands, Call of Cthulhu, Earthdawn 1E, etc.

Glad to be here. Nice to be back.


Iā€™m a transplant from the old site (by which I was able to connect to a couple of groups over the years). Iā€™m located in the Wilds of Northern Michigan (near the tip oā€™ the mitt) which presents a number of challenges when trying to put together a group.

The list of RPG systems Iā€™ve played over the centurā€“ er, years isā€¦ longā€¦ though not as long as the number I own.

Looking forward to seeing how things pan out here. :alien:


Teagus here, Iā€™ve been trying to shake off the cobwebs lately. I retired early when my wifeā€™s health took a turn and figured ill have plenty of time to game once were settled. then covid came to visit so now its been 5 years and I finally have time haha.

My first true tabletop experience was when I got Heroquest for my 11th birthday. it was years later in high school that I even knew d&d existed when I came across a few acquaintances playing in the library. At the time I was heavy into magic and didnā€™t really think that type of gaming could be fun. sadly it wasnā€™t until my late 20ā€™s that I really got into pen and paper games. D&D 3.5 was my first campaign I participated in. It was a lot of fun until the gm moved away and left me searching for more.

That was when I found my first true love, Anima beyond fantasy, id played the tactics game for a few years when I found the first book. Took me months of study to memorize most of the core rules though I generally run it a bit mod it a bit to speed up some mechanics. you can do anything but it can take a few hours just to make a new character if you know what your doing.

A good friend of mine also got me into iron kingdoms when it came out, he was a pressgang member for privateer press running our warmachine group. For me Iron kingdomā€™s is a close second in my top 3. Iā€™ve mostly been a player with this one only running the first half a campaign before I had to retire.

The final in my top 3 favā€™s would be the age system. when I build a campaign its always from scratch in a new world for my group, the age system is very modular and makes for very easy homebrew mechanics to be implemented. Iā€™ve run this one the most out of my favorites, running events at gencon and a few others near the Seattle area.


Howdy Yā€™all.

I started in Basic D&D when I first caught sight of a large boxed set of lead miniatures. 3 marriages, 4 daughters, 40 million grey hairs, and one possum later, I still remember that feeling.

I am retired from construction, and currently draw 3D models of construction (dungeons, castles, mazes fall in this category). I also like fantasy cartography.
A sample drawn in Revit: Joeā€™s Tavern, on the Ethereal

I currently maintain a guild on the DDO-Thelanis server, and both Ally/Horde guilds on WoW-Agamaggan.

I currently game a modified 3.5SRD with epics, mixed with the Dark City/Heiroā€™s Journey genre. Talislanta is another favorite.

Melancholy Jack
Chief Scribe
Adventurers Guild, Midway

D&D (Basic-BEST, 2nd, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, Epics)
Gamma World (All versions aside from that color chart nonsense)
...but the best of all is Mertwig's Maze.

There are a full set of plans for this building, with battlemaps available for download; contribution to the gaming community.
Download Link for the PDF is at the bottom.

Greeetings, I too I guess qualify as an old school gamer, having started playing D&D in 1982 when my friend George bought the Basic Set and made me game with him.

Since then I have played and run many campaigns, and used many different systems, from Gamma world, shadowrun, cyberpunk, battletech/mechwarrior,fantasy hero, GURPS , etc etc etc etc

Had an account on the old website, so when I saw the invite in my old spam email so I thought Iā€™d check and see whatā€™s goingn in here.