
I am an aging SF fan with too much time on his hands. I was born along with the space age. I saw every lift-off, major event, and splash-down of the first age of Space Exploration as it was happening. I know where I was when Kennedy was killed, and when Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walked on the moon. I hope in my heart to live long enough to remember where I was when man sets foot on Mars.

My hobbies include folk music, including that thing called Filk. I have played AD&D and D&D in some form since 1976 (no not one session), and I am crazy over the work of [Anne McCaffery, Robert_A._Heinlein, [Isaac_Asimov, and Arthur C. Clarke among other authors. I have also met two of the four, you guess which two. I am a lifetime Star Trek fan.

The Thindacarulle Campaign has run since 1976. What you get is a very deep lore and world when you run for 45+ years.


Welcome back, Tesral! Good idea on the introductions.

As for me, I guess Iā€™m starting to get up there in years too. I got my start in roleplaying games at the tender age of 12, some 30+ years ago. I had been playing Bards Tale on the Commodore 64, and my stepfather suggested I check out this pen and paper game called Dungeons & Dragons. I was dubious, since it was stepdad who was suggesting it, but I checked it out anyway.

I picked up the infamous Red Box set and ran the intro campaign for my ā€˜babysitterā€™ whose character promptly died to a carrion crawler in the very first encounter of the game. An auspicious start, but I really liked the idea of it. It was much harder to find people to play with back then, but eventually I talked a couple friends into trying it out, and voila, a lifelong hobby was born.

From the beginning, I have almost exclusively GMā€™d, and Iā€™ve run a who variety of games from D&D through all of its various editions including Pathfinder, Marvel Super Heroes, Star Trek, GURPS, World of Darkness, Star Finder, and my latest favorite, Savage Worlds. Whatever I run tends toward being a ā€œtadā€ dark. My players like to say that there are no good choices in my games, just less horrible ones. :wink:

My current campaign is a Star Wars game set in the decade before the Battle of Yavin. A really dark period and the height of the Empire, just before the Rebels series, if youā€™re familiar with that. Itā€™s also the very first campaign that I ran post-pandemic and it has been entirely online using Foundry VTT, which I could not recommend strongly enough. It was weird at first not being in-person, but the upshot is that everyone REALLY loves Foundry.

Next up might be another World of Darkness game. Weā€™ll see.


I am clash bowley. My main love in gaming is SF, and I design and publish games under the Flying Mice Games label of the Better Mousetrap consortium. My big game series are StarCluster4, BloodGames4, and In Harmā€™s Way. I also produce one off niche games like The Tools of Ignorance, a baseball RPG, and High Strung, a music RPG.
I am also a musician with over 30 albums of original music available.
I am not here to spam. I am hear to talk about games and learn from you all!
Oh! I am currently running a A BloodGames4/Outremer game, a BloodGames4/CradleOfWyrms game, a StarCluster4 game which is still going since 2002, and playing in a D&D 5E game, and in a Cyberpunkish game.


Good day to you all! I started playing D&D in the early 80s and have been an avid gamer ever since. Our group normally plays on Roll20 now-a-days and we mostly play a mix of D&D 5e and Hero System (Super Heroes, Star Wars, and several other genres). We do sometimes try other systems just for fun.

I have spent most of my gaming career as a GM, but love to be a player too. Luckily in our group we have a few people who GM so we all get the chance to be a player.

Anyway, happy to be back, and hope to see you all online.

Happy Gaming!


I guess Iā€™ll go since I just signed up.

I am glad to see to see that Iā€™m in the company of many ā€˜oldā€™ gamers. I started playing at age 12 with the Red Box, which means Iā€™ve been gaming for 43 years. Yeah, a long time. Iā€™ve mostly been a GM.

A few years ago, I decided to start publishing some of my stuff. Since then Iā€™ve been a SWAG Award winner, and I have credits with Gun Metal Games, Dog House Rules, Just Insert Imagination, and Odd Bard Games to name a few. (My name is in a Pinnacle publication, but I really didnā€™t deserve it. Thank you, though.)

Iā€™m currently only running games online. Itā€™s easier and I can run during the week. Iā€™d run in person again if the opportunity presented itself. Iā€™m out of Tampa, Florida, by the way.

I guess Iā€™m most interested in finding a game to PLAY in, since Iā€™ve done almost all GMing for the last 15 years or so. Hard to find a (good) GM.

Games Iā€™ve run: D&D (Red Box to 5e), Shadowrun 1-3, Champions, Villains and Vigilantes, Savage Worlds (many settings but love Deadlands the most), Low Fantasy Gaming, GURPS, Star Frontiers, Paranoia, Mutants and Masterminds (1-3), Low Fantasy Gaming, Shadow of the Demon Lord, Dungeon World, ICONS, Wicked Ones, Blades in the Dark, City of Mist, and many, many others.

Games I own: Too many to list.

Good gaming!



Iā€™m playing RPGs for over38 years. I started with the FF games from Steve Jackson & Ian Livingstone. My first RPG book was the hardcover of Warhammer (simply because it was the thickest book available in the store). I run and played in many long-running campaigns. Games I ran are WFRP Chaos campaign, Star Trek and Star Wars.

Lately Iā€™m only playing in a single campaign and trying to write a ruleset for Stars Wars based on GURPS 4E (called Star Wars TRPG).


Been playing tabletop since they saved me from myself in high school. I have played oWoD, NWoD and was a card carrying Camarilla member before I moved on to D&D, Exalted and Shadowrun.

I love model making and have recently discovered a love of cosplay and prop making.

My passion is storytelling and bringing misfits together. I am trying to bring storytelling to Trovo and stream Fantasy Ground on Sundays. I plan to stream cosplay/prop making to help players and DMs bring more magic to their tables and games.


Hello Iā€™m Shoshie and I paint miniatures (both gaming and display minis) professionally. Iā€™ve been a gaming nerd for most of my life. I am also an ā€œOld gamerā€ I think if youā€™ve been gaming since the 80ā€™s that should count. I really enjoy most types of Fantasy and some Sci-Fi Fantasy (Like Shadowrun) games. I am not the best at preparing for games other than one-shots so for the most part I only play. Iā€™ve been having a hankering to play in an RPG again since itā€™s probably been since before covid since the last time I was able to.


Hey all, you donā€™t know how happy I am to see this site reborn from the ashesā€¦ believe it or not, but the old site (indirectly) completely changed my life around!

I used to play D&D (BECMI/2nd AD&D) and Rifts/TMNT/Heroes Unlimited back in HS (1990) until I joined the Navy in 1992. I stayed in for 20 years, but rarely gamed (hard to do so when everyone keeps moving every few years). I retired in 2012, right around the time I found an awesome gaming group through P&P v1.0. That group heavily influenced my decision to stay in the Hampton Roads area of VA, and had I not stuck around I would have never met the love of my life. Weā€™re celebrating our 7th year anniversary this month :smiley:

Right now Iā€™m GMing a (kinda) weekly Starfinder campaign, about to start a bi-weekly Pathfinder game (planning to alternate SF/PF every other week), and play in a separate Rifts campaign. Iā€™ve also played some GURPS, and some PF2 (like the former well enough but canā€™t say Iā€™m a fan of the latter), but honestly Iā€™m up for trying my hand at just about any RPG (except for the obvious ones, e.g. FATAL).

As my username says, I work in IT, but while I was in the Navy I was an Electronics Technician, aka ā€œtwidget.ā€ So between that and my RPG interests Iā€™m definitely a geek lol!


Hello gamer peeps, Iā€™m Chris.
RPGing since the 80s, DMing since 92-ish? I think? Maybe 93?
I like to play, but Iā€™m a forever DM now because I also feel compelled to make huge terrain set pieces, real life size prop handouts, and paint hundreds of miniatures, which players really love.
I am on a real world quest to remove the tired old stereotype of the ā€œloser in moms basementā€ and show people that gamers can have class and sophistication without breaking the bank.
Currently running a 2 PC murder mystery game (DnD5e), which is a lot different than I thought it would be. Might have to write some articles about it. Been super challenging vs a ā€œnormalā€ table of 4-6 players. Iā€™ve learned a lot in just a couple months, especially about how broken CR is for a 2 PC party.


o7 hi everybody! My nameā€™s Wes, I live in Ohio, married with three dogs, and Iā€™ve been playing ttrpgs since I was 9 so like 30 years next year. Started with WEG d6 Star Wars actually, but Iā€™ve played a loooot of games. I begrudgingly play 5e (after playing exclusively that since 2018, itā€™s really exhausting lol), but lately Iā€™ve gotten my weekly group into Avatar Legends, which is super cool. I love PbtA games especially AL, Monster of the Week, and Brindlewood Bay. My dream is to work as a writer in the rpg industry and maybe finish one of these dozens of stupid little games Iā€™ve got half-finished and post them over on itch.


Howdy everyone and Robert,

I missed ya Robert. :slight_smile:

Iā€™m an author with a Hero System setting book thatā€™s awaiting being published. Iā€™m currently working on my own version of AD&D 2E and a campaign setting to go with it.

I have been involved in RPGs since 1984 and pretty much played all the old school systems.


@AzagThoth, Iā€™ve been doing something similar with Savage Worlds. If you ever want to try that system out, thereā€™s already a fan created adaptation for it thatā€™s pretty good.


Wow! Congrats, @TwidgetITGuy! That is really awesome to hear. The group I play with today are almost all folks I met on P&PG v1.0 as you call it. It really helped me find a whole new group of friends when I moved here to Seattle.

I bet. I imagine the group dynamics are completely different as well.


Hey everyone! Glad to see PPG rise again! Iā€™m Rory and the group I used to play in began a bit later in life than some of you. We were turned on to the boxed sets by a friend around 1985 or so when we were all mostly in our mid-20ā€™s. We graduated to AD&D pretty quickly, then onto AD&D 2E when it was released.

I was most often the GM as I had more time than the rest to put in the effort to create scenarios and a campaign. As life unfolded, different people were pulled different directions. I was briefly part of an AD&D 3E group that was a lot of fun, but again, life happened. I havenā€™t played FTF since mid-2000 and have very limited online experience playing through VTT/chat clients/etc.

I would love to play again but I am in an area where the people my age are pretty much not interested in RPGā€™s anymore and the younger ones are into the newest version of DYD, which I really donā€™t care for. Plus I would really like to not have to learn new tech to run and/or play games. (Iā€™m a ā€œgrumpy old man,ā€ what can I say?)

Iā€™d be interested in playing in other game genres as well: horror, sci-fi, dystopian. Iā€™m retired and have some other activities going on, but getting back into playing is really high on my list of things I would like to do.


Hello everyone! I started out playing AD&D 2e in high school and have played every iteration since. I also love Sci-Fi and Horror games but have only been able to convince my groups to play them as one/two-shots. :smiling_face_with_tear: Iā€™m currently introducing the group I DM online to OSE and play in a 5e game in person. I love trying out new systems and play styles but dungeon crawling will always have a special place in my heart.


Good to see this site reborn!

I started with the Basic and Expert box sets of DnD back in the early 80ā€™s. Played Twilight 2000 and Paranoia in the late 80s. Then life happened, and I dropped out of gaming until the late 2000ā€™s when the local game store here in Oklahoma City was running D&D Adventure League for new players. Got back in with a great group, and we played a couple of campaigns. I DMā€™ed ā€œHoard of the Dragon Queenā€ for a group in Minnesota and California while I was living there. Now back home in Oklahoma. My kids want me to run them through Lost Mines of Phandelver. Looking to get involved in a game here in town. Buddy of mine is trying to get me into Star Wars, so I ordered the Core Rules for Age of Rebellion, that arrives in a few weeks.


Wow - nice to see so many old-timers! Iā€™m one of you, having been gaming (largely D&D/Pathfinder) since the '70s when there were no versions. I even still own a box set from back in the day - a gift still in its original shrink wrap (the first color-box set).

Letā€™s see if I can get a picture in hereā€¦

Anyway, Iā€™m still gaming (D&D5/Pathfinder1) into my 50ā€™s and loving every minute of it!


Hey peeps! Happy to be here on Reincarnation Day!

Iā€™m Flash, and Iā€™m a forever DM. Iā€™ve run games in every version of D&D, as well as old WoD. I also love painting miniatures that I never get to use since everything is online now!

Iā€™m currently gearing up to run a homebrew Legend of Zelda campaign in Savage Worlds.

Nice to meet everyone, and I look forward to being part of the PPG community!


Greetings! Also an old-timer. Iā€™ve been gaming for 43 years and running games for 42 years. Yikes!

My name is Wayne and Iā€™m in Illinois now. Thanks for the re-invite!

My absolute favorite system is Rolemaster though I havenā€™t gotten to play or run it in over 25 years. Right now, Iā€™m running 5e, Savage Pathfinder, Traveller, and Delta Green campaigns. And I play in a Pathfinder 1e game for another month or so.

I hope to be active here and get to know people.