
That’s so cool! I collect 1st ed stuff :slight_smile: I have a Monstrous Manuel signed by Gary Gygax.


First Edition Deities and Demigods


Hello all,

Happy to be back. Was apart of the original site and was happy to see the site in it’s new edition (see what I did there).

Got my start in the late 90s on AD&D 2E. I’m in the process of moving for work so not currently playing. When I do play I tend to play 5E Ravenloft, Greyhawk or Forgotten Realms.
I also run Dungeon Crawl Classics by Goodman Games and sometimes play in Pathfinder.
I am active in the community even though I don’t play at this very moment.

My favorite things about the hobby are DM/GMing, crafting my own terrain by watching YouTube and also collecting old gaming material. If you have anything to sell 3E and back, let me know!

Though I’m a “live and let live” and “whatever floats your boat” person, I don’t like the migration to online tabletop and feel D&D is an in-person game.

Glad to be back.


Hey, I know that handle and story! I thought I even had a bookmark to your profile on another social media site, or maybe to your publishing web site. Are you still working on any projects?

Best of luck with your writing ventures.

I wouldn’t necessarily worry about your setting being “better” or “worse” than any other setting…sometimes “new” and “different” are the best selling points for others.

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Happy to see this back up! Posted sometimes on the old site and did some real fine networking and games with new people of all stripes. Was Amardolem (as people’s melodrama was cracking me up back then) now I’m Oldmarddolem.
Recognize a few folks from the old site-well met!
Been playing and gaming since around 1980 (7th or 8th grade)
A long time, hope to get to play with some peeps on here. Still have a couple pathfinder 1e games going here and there.
Old weirdo needs games.
Like most fantasy, horror and sometimes sci Fi or superheroes. Lots of music, including extreme genres and old motorcycles


Hi monsmord, thanks for remembering. I’m flattered. As far as I know, I’m the only “Sprialbound” and I’ve been using that handle online since… the 1990s, so I guess you found me. LOL!

I have slowed down on my various projects, I have a bad habit of having too many plates spinning at once. My primary fantasy campaign world was simply called “The Isles” and I’ve run games in that for 20ish years, starting in AD&D 2E, converting to D20 3.0, 3.5, then Pathfinder 1E where it has sat ever since. At last count I have run 8 long term campaigns in it, with each successive one advancing the setting as I would deliberately place them after each other in game time. Various PC parties have advanced that setting over 200 years since the first campaign. Their collective actions have reworked The Isles several times, introducing many surprising things for me to expand upon and weave into the setting. I have hundreds of pages of material at this point. Fun times, good memories.

Currently, I’m running a new fantasy campaign world I’ve named Kerdros, although it is a different world with a different feeling to it, I’ve linked the two settings using an overarching multiverse plot line spanning time frames longer the existence of some entire fantasy races. The worlds are separate, but connected in a way which explains how they coexist in a shared multiverse which is affecting them both. I think it’s cool, but I’m the one who came up with it, so I’m biased. :wink:

I really should just publish it all. Actually, I’d love to make The Isles into a full scale boxed set like back in the day with big maps, several books, and adventuring aides. I don’t know how I’d approach the rules aspect of it though as my races, classes, weapons, cosmology, deities, and magics are heavily modified from the base rules. Plus, there are so many system options nowadays. D&D 5E, a multitude of retroclones, Pathfinder 1E/2E, and that’s just the “D&D” flavoured systems. I could go systemless I guess, but material published that way tends to get minimal pick up. Right now, I’m just having fun expanding on a new setting with my Kerdros campaign.


Greetings, I am Talsar Geldon. Master of the Narcadian Order.
I run the for mentioned YouTube channel where myself and co-GM Magicdealer, alternate playing and running weekly Pathfinder 1e on Foundryvtt.
We are currently almost done with the Iron Gods and Reign of Winter Adventure Paths.


It must have been my phone. On my laptop, everything is readable.

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Hello again everybody!

I’ve been gaming pretty much my entire life. Horror is my preferred genre next to killing zombies. I also play pathfinder, D&D and Star Wars when I can.

It’s great seeing some of the old crew again and I hope to make new gaming friends in the process!


Well hello all. I guess I am in good company being a 40 odd(very odd) year old player of various games. I am not a good GM so don’t really do it. I tend to play “concept characters”, that is they are built off a wierd angle. Not into the horror genre but will play pretty much anything fantasy or sci-fi.

Anyways nice to see so many here.


Started in 1980 or so. Age 11. Started with D&D and moved on to Champions, GURPS, RM, and a slew of others. Prefer 1st or 2nd edition D&D. If not that, then some Champions/Hero System.

I also have begun to write my own fantasy RPG and sci-fi RPG. It’d be nice to make a living at it :wink:


Went by TwoGunBob since Prodigy days and AOL but ummm I’m a Jamie not even a Robert. Started playing back in 82-83 with Basic and then Advanced as we were smart and ADVANCED! Been through a few gaming groups as years have gone by. Lots of games in the distant past Castle Falkenstein, World of Darkness, Heroes Unlimited. Later on I tried to rope people into Fudge and Sorcerer. Even later I run Blades in the Dark, Troika!, Beyond the Wall, Dungeon Crawl Classics.

Spent a lot of time wargaming rather than role playing and still spend a lion’s share of my time painting miniatures. I play American Civil War in 54mm using A Gentleman’s War and All the King’s Men, World War II North Africa in 15mm, fantasy and sci fi using Dragon Rampant and the newly released Xenos Rampant.

TGB relaxing recently while playing Blood Bowl.

I tend towards lighter games these days in terms of rules and time investment.

Still working in telecommunications construction and probably for a few years to come but I am constantly reminded to never talk about work because it’s boring AF.

Fixing minis I haven’t played with since like 2005 for Xenos Rampant.

Burned out punque roquer (like cheese it gets fancier with age!) that still occasionally goes to shows but my slam dancing days are way behind me.

Glad this site is back and look forward to connecting with people again.


I think that carrion crawler got so many of us Red Box novices, and yet we strive on,…!



Returning Member, new name.

And how quickly we answer the clarion call and convalesce.

Shameless gamer. When I die put dice on my eyes 'cuz good 'ole Chiron needs me to keep him company.

So glad to be back.

I would love to find a tabletop in mid-central to north NJ.


I started playing back in 1977 with the original Basic D&D in the Blue Box, edited by Dr. John Eric Holmes. We then moved on to AD&D and most of the other TSR RPGs.
I was mostly a player back in the day, early efforts at running games didn’t go smoothly.
Started blogging in 2009 and still at it.
I ran a game for my two sons and my older son’s girlfriend, now wife for a couple of years. We haven’t played since my granddaughter came along. She’s almost 8 and I’m nudging her from free-form roleplay to organized role play. We did one session of Maze Rats and she did OK with it.
I now mostly play online with Roll20. I’ve been in a long running group that plays on Wednesday night since early 2014. We’re on the third long-running campaign using OSE that is a follow up to the 1st campaign (AD&D).
On Sundays, I run an AD&D campaign in my homebrew world over 130 sessions now.
I’ve had brief online campaigns of Metamorphosis Alpha and a few one shots of different systems.
My in-person play is limited to convention play. I mostly create my own one shots for conventions.
I’m slowly crafting a West Marches campaign using Delving Deeper, a clone of Original D&D. If this comes together, I would run it at least once a week, maybe twice a week.


Some call me TIm, because, well, yeah, that’s my actual name…
I started RPGs with the original three booklets in 1975, and was into wargames even before that (remember good old square-grid AH Gettysburg?), been playing and running games pretty constantly ever since. So I’m old enough to know better but I don’t…
Anyway, I’ve GMed more systems than I can easily remember, and played even more than that. Prominent among the campaigns I’ve run include Space Opera, Champions (mostly its Justice, Inc pulp variant), Star Wars (mostly the d20 Saga edition, but some FFG), D&D4 (don’t hate me, I loved it), 7th Sea, Savage Worlds…and so on. Just getting into City of Mist with a new campaign now.
I’ve been fortunate to be in a long-running tabletop group, where some of us go back to our college days in the late '70s (our members have included our kids as they grow up and then move away). Not only that, but almost every one of us GMs regularly, so we have a great variety of campaigns ‘open’, and for a long time combined our efforts to do a big multi-table RPG event at the local convention (I’m hoping covid and the death of one of us hasn’t killed that, but we’ll see).
So let’s see what this site-resurrection (or reincarnation) leads to!


Greetings fellow humans (I’m totally NOT a tentacle monster from the void of space),

You can call me Jenni, Day, or Daydreaming. I’m a disabled artist that creates all sorts of arts & crafts in various mediums. I do art shows sometimes in my local city, and I used to do tattoos for a short bit. I’ve also been a volunteer tutor/teacher’s aide for college and elementary level schools, in various subjects.

I first played D&D in 1995 (not sure what edition, and yes I look very young for my age haha), then I played again from 2011-2013 (3.5e). I just started playing again with some friends on discord in two different campains (5e). One has been going on for almost 2yrs now (every 2 weeks), I joined 1yr in, and the other just started about 4 months ago (once a week). We use the roll20 website to play, dndbeyond for sheet building and references, and discord for our voice chat in and out of character. I am still kind of a noob to the game, but I love playing it a LOT now that I have gotten back into it haha.

There is more about me on my profile on here if you want to know more or see my art. It’s nice to meet everyone! I am not very active on social media kind of things as I am usually pretty busy, so mostly I am on discord because I can be on voice chat and multi-task haha. I look forward to possibly gaming with you guys when I have time though!


Life’s a bitch, and then you die. Gaming’s a die, and then you bitch.