Old time player and GM of multiple systems

I like a good role playing game. Play a lot of pathfinder so i would love to play something NEW!

SYSTEMS i know pathfinder 1st ed but would love to play 5ed and learn more how to play it pathfinder 2 ed and RuneQuest . I guess i am will to give anything a try at least once butnot whitewolf just no

I am busy Tuesdays and sundays for a little bit. So other then give me a ring and lets have so adventures


Are you in New York City or Long Island , New York? :thinking:

What games are you playing and when?

I am interested in some online. I am CST. I am open to playing anything to a point.

I am MST and interested in any game. Let me know.

Please take a look at my post:

If you’re still looking and are interested in something different, I just posted for my upcoming Delta Green campaign. Details here: Delta Green: Impossible Landscapes [Online]

Apologies; this game is now full.

I’ve just completed a move from Nashville, TN to RURAL Massachusetts…

I’ve restarted looking for more ONLINE Players for my Shadowrun Campaign. (Shadowrun has been called “When D&D and Cyberpunk had a baby”. Our next two games are 22 April & 06 May with game time that runs from 7pm to 10 pm Eastern (or 6 to 9 Central)

I got PreGens for anyone interested in “a test drive”. And can quickly make another one tailored to what someone wants if they give me a few skills that they want their gal or guy to have…

My contact info is:

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