Been two years, asking again

So, just kind of curious if anyone plays any non-DnD/Pathfinder games that are worth checking out. Don’t care how well/little known it is. Just want to see if anything changed.

I play my own games - three campaigns going currently.

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I’ve been doing Star Trek and Bureau 13 on line since the ahghtys.

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GURPS & Hero system - though have not played them recently.
But that is likely to change soonish, as I have a store full of people who like my GMing style, so will start weaning them off of D&D shortly.

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Are they based on any current games? Or are they your creation?

They are my own games. :smiley:

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As in “non-Fantasy”? Or just non-Dungeons & Dragons and Paizo-type D&D spinoffs?

Fantasy-wise, I run/play ShadowDark, which is a neat, streamlined blend of the best aspects of OSR Basic and 5e D&D.
Been getting back into Hexcrawling/Dungeoncrawling again. Forgot how much fun it used to be.

In addition, I run/play Call of Cthulhu varieties (core game, Trail of Cthulhu, Delta Green, Achtung! Cthulhu, Atomic age and Pulp era Cthulhu, as well as Cold War era).
Also Battletech, AFMBE, and Conspiracy X. These are my most current RPGs, mostly on the GM side of it.

Lastly, currently playing in a 1e PF campaign, set in the Shackle Isles, and another game campaign which is a homebrew AD&D. I know you asked for non-D&D, but I felt compelled to complete my current schedule. :wink:

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How is Bureau 13?

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In what fashion? How does the game itself work? How is the health of Tri Tac?

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Never mind.

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Numenera is a great game and game system. Uses the Cypher System, very streamlined and easy to learn but versatile. I’ve played DnD since 1977 and still do, but Numenera has made it’s mark at our game table. Could not recommend trying it more.

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I really enjoy the TinyD6 system. Been playing in a PbP game of Tiny Supers. It is very rules lite which has led to a lot of questions. The others haven’t liked it as much but I think it has worked great.

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LOL Are they questioning because of its simplicity?

Yeah. For example my character has the Summoning power. It doesn’t say if you can keep bringing more and more minions out. It doesn’t say if you can summon additional minions when some die. It doesn’t say if you can communicate with them at a distance. It doesn’t say if they can have intelligence or if you must be nearby to control them. The only example character has additional restrictions on that power. I accept that but others didn’t like the lack of details. This has happened with many of the powers.

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Reading the info on it, it doesn’t say you can’t keep summoning either every turn or as they die. I would say that would be between you and the GM. I agree that one of the pluses of the system can also be a minus at times. “When in doubt, GM Fiat.” I know Alan Bahr and GKG intentionally keep some stuff vague so that the table can mold the game how they need. Speaking for my table, I would say that you would be able to communicate with them as say you would towards any other PC or NPC and that they are basically (the way I read it) to be a meat shield so that the other PCs take less damage and would act as a normal NPC (sort of) that you would say “this one is attacking here, that one is attacking there.” I even flipped through the Gallantverse Campaign Guide and the H.O.M.E. Handbook to see if maybe there was added clarification, and didn’t see anything. It’s kind of like in the comic books, the superhero is only as infallible, strong, or whatever as the story needs them to be. If James Gunn’s Superman can be spitting up blood and sounding like he’s got a punctured lung, surely your Super can Summon minions as necessary. Just my take.

I play Shadowrun and GM 4th Ed when I can find the players (F2F and/or Online). It is an older Edition of SR, but I like how freely you can build your Player Character! (Other versions you MUST spend Build Points in blocks and aren’t free to spend Left Over Build Points elsewhere (i.e. if you have Build Points left over from buying gear, you can’t just spend them on Improving your Skills!)

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Did you know that Cthulu Saves?
(He does love to have midnight snacks!)

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Starting a new Rolemaster campaign next week (2nd edition). My group and I have it down to a science, character creation and combats are faster than D&D now. My guys love it.

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The campaign is going well so far…they’re playing part of an expeditionary force sent to explore and reap the benefits from a newly discovered continent…the campaign is kind of a Kong/Skull Island with a town like Deadwood behind the wall (no guns)…no apes, but BIG freakin’ bears…

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Except bears. We are not making that mistake again.

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