White Box Cyclopedia - funded in under 35 minutes

Backed this one a couple days ago.
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/barrelridergames/white-box-cyclopedia/description A $30 bill gets you a hardbound copy and pdf. Sort of. From the Kickstarter: “Backers are responsible for paying the print cost (currently estimated at $11 USD), as well as any shipping fees for their print book. DriveThruRPG will either in the US or the UK and ship it to you. This method allows us to minimize shipping fees, customs fees and puts the time-table for physical delivery and redemption into your hands!”

Barrell RIder Games (Independent tabletop RPG publisher of such products as The Hero’s Journey 2e, White Star: White Box Science Fiction Roleplaying, and the White Box Omnibus) and Gallant Knight Games are again collaborating on this. I guess in defense of how they are running the Kickstarter, they are removing a step or two. There won’t be sample prints created and sent to be signed off on so that publication can happen and then box after box sent to BRG or GKG and then sent out from there.