Want To Test Out A Test Group For My Home Made TTRPG

Hello everyone! I have been working on this new TTRPG system, which I’m going to call the Foundation System until a better name comes to mind. The system’s bare bones are more or less finished, as is the first setting idea.

DEIFIED! A game where you can play as a literal God! Reinvent the myths and legends of antiquity, or forge your own mythology in this game designed to give you all the power in the cosmos!

But if that setting sounds too bleck, then we can use the base system to make an original game. I am not picky at all and, quite frankly, I need the company.

I am almost always available between 11 AM to 1 PM Eastern Daylight Savings Time GMT -4. My work schedule is rather fluid, and I can’t guarantee any day for a night game, but I am willing to work with the players to find a perfect time.

I am interested. I work 8-5 PM Pacific (11-8 PM Eastern), so it may not work, but I’m happy to explore.

If we did a post-by-post thing, scheduling wouldn’t be an issue. But I am off tomorrow and the 7th and 8th if you want a thing then.

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I am off tomorrow and then not again until next weekend, although flexible in evenings

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