The Name of All Things

Names are very important. As one early Dragon article pointed out, you are not getting any drama points naming the BBG lair the Zhirly Temple. (You know, at this point that is a really old joke. No, it was lame then too.)

OK before I prove my sense of Humor is embedded in the Regan era, I need some help. The above graphic is the Inner tiers of Eyrie Keep. Tier One the Inner castle. Tier Two the Outer castle, Tier Three, the City.

The City is the question. How to name the streets. You have a series of ring streets that go around. No other street goes more than a block.

Anyone have a decent naming scheme?

Inner Tiers? The whole thing is here It’s too large to post on the forum.

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The simplest, yet most varied, means of naming streets (as with Wards/Burroughs/Districts) in fantasy settings (in my observations) seems to pertain to what is in each area (ward/burrough/etc.). For example, if you have a religious district: Temple row, Odin court, Dambala lane, Torag street, Inquisitor circle, Avatar ave, Way of Geb, etc…
Industrial/Trade quarters would be similar: Cutters row, Coinlender boulevard, Bowyers stretch, Masons road, etc.
If it is a high classed residential ward, then figure out who the oldest wealthy families were that settled the area and use their surnames. Any mage district can have really interesting names, to either peak curiosity (Aisle of Newt) or glorify famous archmages (Elmisters Entry, Blackstaffs byway) or sinister to keep unwanteds away (Black Tentacle turn, Cursed cobbleway, Fireball terrace, etc.)

Also, cardinal directions are common, as are simpler alphanumeric labeling (if rather droll).

What is your world like? What is that area like? What is it’s history, cataclysms, infamy? Any famous events? Like was one side of the city breached and invaded by 10,000 ogres and eventually won back at great cost of life? What would you name the street where the greatest skirmish happened or the valiant heroic captain of the garrison gave his life to rally his men and take the day?

If your city has stories… the streets definitely have names.

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And the summation. The map does not leave me room to name them. The streets are too narrow.

I see.
Your prior question was unclear. It appeared you were asking for suggestions on creating names for streets.
Perhaps just label them 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. and place a key in a sidebar with the names behind it’s designated number.
Or print larger sections of the map so you can put street names directly on the street.

You notice the grid? All locations have something like Z-33 red “X” on them to locate them on the map grid. So Street names would be mainly for flavor. But I made the Streets too narrow to place legible names. It fits the fortress nature of the location.

I would have to increase the size of the map as you say.

I really should learn CAD