This has been a while coming. I had done the Crowdfundr on the GKG site last January with a POD email in (I believe) March. Well, had issues with the links (a first for me personally) and by the time I got it straightened out, my links were no good. So cue the montage of me emailing GKG from the website. Didn’t hear back, retried emailing, and still nothing. I did know from a couple KickStarters I was part of that Alan Bahr had a lot going on and let it go for a while. Fast forward to December 2024 and on one of the KickStarters I did he had an update with a different email. Emailed explaining what happened, got everything resolved. Badaboom. Badabing. It’s why I like Gallant Knight Games so much. They’ll resolve issues quickly that are within reason. Anywho, as of 2/6/2025 on DTRPG the pdf is $9.99, softbound is $25.99 with hardbound $5 more, with the combos showing the same prices, but normally $9.99 more.
This is the sourcebook for those who want to go on a Teen Titans, Robin to Batman, or Young Avengers kick, as in playing a teen or young-ish PC. We start with a New Rules section, giving new power and relationship traits, some optional rules, and advice on getting in the headspace of playing a PC of that age group.
The next section is about HOME, The Hero Orientation and Mentorship Experiment. It goes into the history of the organization, how it’s set up, the location, and the key figures. Included are some HOME Teams, such as Team Havoc and Team Chaos. Of course, if there heroes, there are also villains and related organizations. The Kane Academy is the villain version of HOME. 8 new villains are included.
Project Northstars comes next. Where HOME is located in California USA, the Northstars are (you guessed it) Canadian. Canada created the Potential Supers Program (PSP) after some incidents happened that caused tragic losses. Those who are identified join S-Tech, which helps contain, harness, and amplify the subject’s powers. The Northstars are split into 2 teams: Northstars Pacific and Northstars Atlantic. There is some background on each as well as some adventure hooks.
Lastly, there’s Fletcher City. It’s nickname is The City of Arrows and hosts the World Archery Competition when it rolls around every 4 years. It was founded by a family of archer mercenaries, though the Sejong family no longer publicly leads Fletcher City. The chapter includes, of course, some local heroes and villains.
I would expect there to be more Tiny Supers source material in the future. Alan/GKG is polishing up Tiny Cyberpunk and cyan starlight and those should be shipping soon (actually got a POD for cyan starlight, so I have a second copy of the rules on the way, but will likely wait for the KickStarter copy to arrive before reviewing because I got extra goodies), and the White Box Cyclopedia just finished it’s KickStarter earlier on 2/7, where GKG partnered with James M Spahn and his Barrel Rider Games, so it may be a while before he returns to the superhero genre.