Taylor, Mi. - Looking for 1 to 3 players for Horror on the Orient Express (Pulp Cthulhu)

I’m a returning user. I used this site to put together my first D&D game 20 years ago and so I’m pleased to see that it’s still here. I started running Call of Cthulhu a couple years ago, but it’s a lot harder to find players. I just remembered this site this morning and thought I’d look it up, I’m so glad it’s still here!

I run games at a local gaming club called The Eye of the Beholder Gaming Guild in Taylor Michigan. I’m trying to start up a new campaign to play through Horror on the Orient Express. I currently have two players and I’m looking for a few more.

This will exclusively be an in-person tabletop game, so I’m only looking for players who are able to be in Taylor Michigan every tuesday night. I’ll use some maps sometimes, but mostly it will be theatre of the mind (no VTT for this one).

I’ll have the players each make two characters, one is primary and the other is a backup in case the primary dies or goes mad. The idea is that they’re your pen pal, so when you need to use them they can just turn up as if they had intended a surprise, or maybe they were going to join your other PC, etc; and now you have a replacement character who has reason to know whatever you (the player) knows without having to start from a point of total ignorance.

Session Zero was last week, the first session will be tonight and we’ll play every Tuesday night from 8 to 10-11 (we’ll usually end at 10, but if we’re in the thick of it we may go to 11 sometimes). I’ll be starting with another scenario to bring the group together, I’m hoping that by the end of the first scenario we’ll be well settled and ready to really get into the campaign proper. I expect most sessions to just be RP and investigation; and when the Mythos hits the fan, two hours is a good amount of time to settle up a fight or horrific encounter.

The campaign begins in Cambridge England in the summer of 1888. The PCs are university students who’ve just completed their penultimate year of school and are now on break for 3 months…

If you want to play, HMU on Discord @ Mike8440

If you are interested in a fantasy game we could use a player in Dearborn.