Player in Sacramento area seeking gaming group

Genres I like

Any - fantasy, sci-i, horror, crossovers

Systems I like

D&D 5e, other lesser known RPGs

Styles of games that I like

Collaborative group parties with individual backstories that co-mingle and contribute to DM plot building

What I am looking for in a group

any IRL group within cycling distance or online

My gaming availability

Weekly, biweekly, monthly

Hey a fellow Sacramentan here, down in Midtown. It loos like your interests (particularly style) line up with the kinds of games I run. I’m currently full up in my games but that may change this summer. We are mostly online at the moment but I’m looking to do something in person sometime in the future (once I have a critical mass of local players available).

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Still seeking a gaming group - if online, location is not too important.

Are you interested in ShadowRun? (4th Ed), beginners welcome! All “Races & Species” (starting with C for Centaurs, thru to T for Troll!) are available, but some are better in the crowds than others!

We use Discord and our game time normally starts at 3pm EST, but we may be able to move it back an hour or two! (vote by the 2 players I have now on the time change if Noon doesn’t work for you due to job/other, lost the 3rd due to school starting). is a good POC

(Beginners Welcome! It is Summer 2075 and SR has been referred to as: “If D&D and Cyberpunk had a baby!”)

I am running a Shadowrun (4th Ed) Game online…
Sundays @ 3 pm Eastern (Noon Pacific)
We got room since we are down to 2 players due to school restarting!!!
Tim at:
<>OR<> 615/320-2471