New Tag Requests

As a lover of obscure rpg systems and someone who prefers to play any rpg system other than d20 I think there should be a set of d100, d20, d12, d10, d8 and d6 tags. So people have options to specify their ruleset rather than a few popular titles and dnd systems.

oh also a tag to specify if its a pool system or not, I’ve played several d6 systems and half of them were pool based systems.

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@Teagus, wouldn’t those collectively be “homebrew”?

There’s hundreds of published rpgs out there that aren’t some derivative of dnd. I wouldn’t consider them homebrew, I just thought it would be simpler than adding every system that a user requests, i thought keep the top 20 or so and let us specify the dice system used for everything else. My personal favorites are published games one using d100 and the other two using different d6 systems.

Since you mentioned it I think here should be a homebrew tag as well if there isn’t one already.

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Oh, don’t forget #steampunk

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#steampunk :white_check_mark:

Not necessarily. Die type is not necessarily an indication of system either. You have die test, dice pool, linear vs ratio, and so forth, any of which can use any die or all of them, like Ironclaw. Hero or GURPS use a d6 ratio, Basic RP is a linear d100, White Wolf is a dice pool on d10s. So both the type of die and the method they are used can matter.

On second thought, they are all homebrew, too many to consider…

Genre might be more important than game system. How many game systems exist just for Fantasy for example.

My StarCluster system can use a number of different dice systems - percentile, exploding d6 pool, d6-d6 averaging, even diceless - so long as they yield results in successes. The standard die system is d20 dice pool, with skill rank dice, roll under attribute as TN. So just mentioning die type can be misleading.

My games have been published since 2001, so “Homebrew” is not at all accurate. Perhaps “Obscure”?

Did you brew it up at home? :wink:

Partly, yes. A lot was also devised on the train to and from work. :smiley:

So home/trainbrew.

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Bingo! Nailed it! :grinning:


I still do not see a psionics tag? (perhaps place it under genre or other…)

Also, please add a gamelog tag? (under other?)

@Farcaster, could we get .zip as a permitted upload?

Zip is kinda risky from a security standpoint for people downloading, but sure, I can add it.

Can you moderate .zip uploads? In my case it’s a collection of pdf graph paper.