Looking for players - Rob's World! 3.5e D&D - Aurora, CO


About the Game

Rob’s World! Is a 3.5 D&D Campaign (with house rules) played in person in Aurora, Colorado. A fully seated table consists of seven players (with room for one remote player) and the Dungeon master.

I am currently soliciting for ONE new player for my campaign/game. We play in the Southeast Aurora/Denver area (Near the Aurora reservoir). I’ve got 48 years experience DM’ing D&D campaigns. My wife and I moved to the Denver/Aurora area twenty-three years ago, and we’ve been playing/running a 3E campaign since then.

The campaign is version 3.5 D&D, Forgotten Realms, with some house rules. If you’d like to get some idea of how I run the campaign / how it’s going so far, visit my web site: < https://www.RobsWorld.org/3ecampaign.html> (p.s. I’m not selling anything). The D&D/FRP materials should give you some insight into my campaign/DM’ing style. I don’t use all the house rules listed at my web site (I am using the ones listed in the 3rd edition sections). See <https://www.robsworld.org/3ehsrls.pdf> for all the house rules.

The current campaign has been running since Nov 2nd, 2019, and the characters are currently 3rd level. Note that our campaign has a long arc. Don’t expect advancement after every/every other session. It usually takes more than a year to complete an adventure.

When We Play

The campaign runs/meets every other Saturday, from ~1600-2200MT. No evil play/characters permitted (Next meeting is 17 Feb, 2024).

If you’re interested in joining our 3.5 edition Forgotten realms campaign (adults only please), please send me an email to: <gamers [aht] robsworld [daht] org>. If I’m not currently accepting/looking for new players, I can still add you to one/or both of my mailing lists. A ‘Drop-In’ players list (for those willing to fill in when we have a temporary opening (seated player on vacation or sick)) and/or the ‘Waiting List’ (for those who would like to join when we have an opening for a permanent/seated member).

Good News: Updated - As of April, 2024. I’ve recruited a new ‘Permanent’ player from a posting to the ‘Electronic Bulletin Board’ at my workplace (which reaches a workforce of appx 5,000 people). New candidate went through appx 2 weeks of vetting/3x meetings and numerous email exchanges of questions/answers and suitability/compatibility discussions/considerations before the individual was accepted/added as a new permanently seated member (for our f2f game).

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Congrats on finding a player for an in person! (not always easy, that. )

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