Let's Get Stompy with Gallant Knight Games

It’s Mecha and Monsters Evolved (2nd Edition) time. It’s a GKG Tiny D6 game and is an update of the original. As of 12/22/2022, the PDF is $19.99, softbound is $29.99, combo is $34.98, with hardbound being $10 more. I own the hardbound version as it was the offering during the Kickstarter and is nicely done.
As it implies in the title, you play either a mecha or a kaiju, and each has its own character sheet. Being Tiny D6 it’s rules lite to begin with, and its rules for jockeys are super lite, pretty much just saying they have 6 HP and are there to operate the mecha. The main rule update I can think of is in reference to Initiative. Instead of rolling 2d6 and adding the two numbers, you’re looking for a 5 or 6 on either die. If you succeed, you go before the opponent, otherwise you go after.
There are several classes of chassis and races of kaiju, each with pros and cons. There are also 5 micro-settings and 1 adventure path included in the game.
First Contact is the adventure path and you get the background from both perspectives (mecha and kaiju) and the different ways to play as each. It’s also the longest setting in the book at about 114 pages.
The first micro-setting is Angels and Demons. In its introduction, the author states it is inspired by anime and manga like Bubblegum Crisis and Silent Mobius (neither of which I am personally familiar with at the moment, but whatever). The setting is about fighting off evils you may have helped create.
In the Darkest Depths is 2nd and was inspired by the likes of The Abyss and Pacific Rim. It takes place underwater and due to encroaching (knowingly or unknowingly), the kaiju are retaliating.
From the Darkest Depths is the companion setting to the prior and is the world from the kaiju perspective.
Muses of Fire: Macbeth and Other Tales is next. The brief is taking some of Shakespeare’s stories and themes and adapting them to the game.
Lastly, there is the Titan Defense Force. Earth is under attack and you are the first line of defense. Unlike the others, there is a little more politicking, at least where the TDF is concerned. By that I mean the hierarchy, organization, relations with outside elements, etc., which is needed, though little would show up in the average session unless the story called for it.