I bought a few index cards a while back on a whim, and recently I’ve been throwing out a few rooms and corridors to try and build a collection of my own one page dungeon style cards. I’m rolling the names randomly, which is really adding to the fun since I’m not really determining anything before I sit down to rock on. They’re done on 4x6 (5mm grid) index cards, drawn in pencil and using fine liners to go over and erase. Same for the text. I wanna try and experiment with some font inking for the titles, but I have no clue where to start on a few soon.
Thought I’d share here if anyone is interested.
Single side
Side A
Side B
ps; these aren’t for any setting or anything else that like. I use Gygax’s Book of Names in the syllable chapters to pick out random ones for any kind of noun; I dunno why, but nonsensical syllables for nouns feels… pulpy?