Gaming News, Mine

The good news, Kennie has returned. She had a serious stroke, the effects of she still has not totally recovered from, but gaming is part of that.

As a result I will be returning to the higher level (13) game that we suspended because of Kennie’s stroke, but only when she is here. The lower level game (5) without her will continue when she is not here.

So I have created twice the work for me. Good side the 13 game has a scenario really that I just need to re-read and tweek. Also a paragraph to remind people want was going down.

The 5 game finished the last scenario I have and I need another one. I should also have a two player one as well. Time to get writing.

PS: I’m sorry for the bad typing. I’m so tired I can barely stay awake. Dinner and to bed for me.


That’s good news. I’m two months post-stroke, and I missed gaming so much.

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Strive, work that brain. Recovery is possible and in reach.

Second, have an aggressive advocate. Kennie was stuck in an unhelpful nursing facility that saw her as income, not a patient in need of recovery.

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Oh, lame. My therapists drove me nuts, but at least they did it by working me. Since the hospital, it’s been harder, as therapy has been hard to find, but in the hospital, they worked me like a dog.

Two months ago I could only lay there, and flail my right arm like a flesh-club. Now I can type - slower and with more typos to fix, but still. I can walk without a cane for a while, though my leg tires faster. And I can talk without slurring most of the time.

My wife has been very aggressive, though she’s wearing down.

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Best of luck tesral! I do think you are on the right track with her!

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I wish for and hope that she “Has Fair Winds And Following Seas” for the rest of her life!

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