For the Voltron fans old and new school

There is a Voltron RPG coming to KickStarter on October 8. Don’t have much info about it at this time, other than it’s saved to my account for when it starts. Depending on price points and other wonderful stuff, may back it, may not. But, if there are other fans of the shows who weren’t aware this was coming, and do crowdfunding (or are maybe considering it), this is a real thing. Will say I’ve never had an issue with something not being delivered, and if it won’t be delivered by the “estimated” arrival time, you are kept in the loop enough to know what is actually going on. Keep in mind these are smaller gaming companies who have to rely on external parties to assist with publishing and whatnot. Like I recently did the Planet of the Apes RPG, and they had to wait for certain approvals from Disney/20th Century approvals before they could continue, which could extend the wait times. The “Estimated Delivery” is just that when you crowdfund. It’s assuming everything goes through as the creator expects. I try not to assume everyone here has crowdfunded in the past, hence my maybe over-explaining of stuff. But, yeah, it’s apparently happening.

UPDATE: Obviously we’re past October 8 and not launched yet. Not sure what’s going on with it. No updated info by Catalyst Game Labs on either Twitter (X) or Instagram. The link to the Kickstarter is down in the comments for those curious. Just didn’t think anything about it until someone commented on this, so thanks to them for that and getting me to look into it.

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This is amazing news. I made my own version in 2018 using MektonZ rules. I ran campaign for a few years. I got burnt out cause it was too much to create the scenarios based on the last version of the netflix show. I’m going to sign up for this kickstarter. Thanks for the 411!!!

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