Dragon Cover Remakes

Orcs are replaced by aartuk in this cover. I like adding Spelljammer elements to my covers as there is not enough Spelljammer art.

Original art by James Holloway

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Orlens from Gamma World have been a favorite creature on mine since the Endless Quest book with the woman holding the big sword. I change the woman in this image to be an Orlen to make it different from the original.

Original art by Larry Elmore

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@ValamirCleaver did a great version of the first Dragon magazine cover. I wasn’t really planning to do that one but decided to try it with Demodragon from the D&D cartoon.

Original art by Bill Hannan

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Issue 200 had a hologram on the cover with a dragon. When I tried drawing a similar dragon it just looks too small. I eventually decided to go with only seeing part of the dragon. Also switched the drow to a drider.

Original art by Larry Elmore

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What if you want the first Dragon cover without a copyrighted character? I tried to change the Demodragon into a new creature.

Original art by Bill Hannan

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Dragon/sea serpent on the cover? How about we replace that with an aboleth.

Original art by Fred Fields

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He built a mechanical dragon as a kid what would he build as an adult.

Original art by Jack Crane

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This was a favorite cover of the Dragon magazines I owned as a kid. I don’t think my version is great. The hidden creature is very subtle in the original. The background is not as interesting. I used a tiefling in place of the human. Maybe she is looking for her dog?

Original art by Larry Elmore

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I meet Larry Elmore at U-con. I forget which year.

He told me that some friends dragged him to a strip club once adding. “Larry, you’re going to have fun, not sketch the girls.”

That is most artists I know or have met. Constantly sketching.

If my friends ever tried to do that to me, I would have fewer friends. And would likely have to pay for hospital bills…

I definitely was the always sketching type when I was younger though.

Girls without clothes. I was taken to one for my second wedding bachelor party. Second, like I didn’t know what nude women looked like. Everyone survived. I’ve never been back.

I’m not a good artist. I don’t sketch all the time. But I do have another cover to post.

If you have seen my DMGuild’s Dragon Turtle of Stormwreck Isle product, you will recognize some elements of this image. The scale is much larger here so maybe the dragon turtle grew up. The original cover didn’t have a dragon turtle coming out of the water but that’s what I wanted to draw.

Original art by Jack Crane

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Don’t touch the owlbear or she will cut you. Replaced the human with a warforged on this cover. I added the owlbear cub on a whim.

Original art by Larry Elmore

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Touch the owlbear all you want.

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