Dragon Cover Remakes

Beauty is in the eye of the gas spore. It’s April 1st. I’ve decided to do this cover version specifically to post today.

Original by Daniel Horne


Another image in the same week? Yes. I’ve done Spelljammer ones so how about another setting. Welcome to Dark Sun.

Original art by Gerald Brom

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Snow effect could be better.

Original art by Daniel Horne

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This cover might be harder to recognize. All the characters have been swapped out.

Original art by Larry Elmore


Journey to a Modron temple in Planescape.

Original art by Robh Ruppel

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Oriental Adventures time.

Original art by James Holloway


When the hunter becomes the prey.

Original art by Fred Fields


Being the new kid in school is hard.

Original art by James Holloway

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The eternal struggle of magic vs technology.

Original art by Todd Lockwood


The original cover isn’t my favorite but I decided to try to remake it. I have another version with a murder sprite from Scarred Lands instead of the fairy.

Original art by Donald Clavette

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Post issue 200 cover. I tend to prefer the earlier covers but I decided to try this one.

Original art by Alan Pollack


Sometimes you have to put your own mark on an image. I’ve decided I hate drawing horses so I replaced it in this image.

Original art by Ken Widing


Althought my covers are simplified from the original sometimes it still takes a lot of work. I didn’t have the card game in my initial version of this cover but it looked too open not like the crowded original cover.

Original art by Linda Medley


I’ve started a kickstarter project to support this work. Please signup to be notified when it goes live if you are interested in supporting the project.

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Now that the self-promotion is out of the way back to the fun part, posting a new image. For this cover, I replaced the fighter cockpit with a mech cockpit. You have heard of DragonMech right? If not, go look it up. It’s an awesome setting. Unfortunately the rules are great. Alas they never released DragonMech battles which would have been a Battletech like game instead d20 derived rpg.

Original art by Denis Beauvais

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Why a raccoon person? I like raccoons. The raccoon person on the Tiny Tunderscape kickstarter got me to back that project. (Well not solely the raccoon people.) This is from early issues of Dragon.

Original art by Dean Morrissey

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The original cover had a regular scarecrow but I prefer mine to be animated. I have an alternate version with a lion instead of cat if you want to see it. (Yes I like the Wizard of Oz.)

Original art by Larry Elmore

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I’ve meet Larry Elmore too.

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I’ve emailed an artist or two about this project. No response so far. I haven’t emailed Larry Elmore. Maybe I should. I do really like my Snarfquest cover version.

Here is another cover by a recurring and excellent Dragon magazine cover artist.

Original art by Clive Caldwell

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I think I did a much better job at capturing the original in this piece than the first piece of this artist that I did. The wiard was replaced with a superhero. I don’t like my wizards flying around and why get close to lightning bolt.

Original by Robin Wood

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