Carbon Grey RPG - Magnetic Press/West End Games

Okay, better grab something to settle in, I think we’re going to be here a few minutes. So, Carbon Grey RPG based on the graphic novels by Hoang Nguyen. I was unfamiliar with the books, and still not aware other than they exist. Setting-wise it’s dieselpunk (a little more modern than steampunk). It takes place in Mitteleuropa (vaguely Europe-shaped with different country names). The year is 1915 and the Great War is in full swing. Not everything is totally right with reality; there are era appropriate vehicles alongside more modern vehicles.
Chapter One introduces us to the world of Carbon Grey and does the typical other things Chapter One does. It gives us the first look at a quick description of the 24 Archetype Templates playable in the game. Included are: Brash Dogfighter, Grease Monkey, Learned Scholar, and Sovereign.
Chapter 2 is skills and attributes. There are 6 attributes: Dexterity, Knowledge, Mechanical, Perception, Strength, and Willpower. Each has 6 skills which are usable from the get-go (at the attribute score) with some a being higher value. It is the WEG D6 system, so skill/attributes have a die code of say 3D+1, so roll 3D6 and add 1. If you meet or exceed the Difficulty Number (between 5 and 30, depending on how hard it is to do) you succeed. There are varying levels of success and failure depending on the roll and how far away from the goal the roll is. There is a wild die and it can affect a success or failure. Continuity Flux is what it’s called when random paranormal things (be it a super/para-normal creature, or a more modern vehicle) appear. Most characters won’t have these three (manipulate, divine, transmogrify), but a couple archetypes do.
Chapter 3 is character creation. What I personally like about the WEG D6 system is how customizable it is out of the gate. Pick an archetype, plug the attribute numbers into the proper location and you’re halfway there. Here’s where the customization begins. You receive 7D that you can spread out among skills. The creation limit is 2D. So if you have an attribute score of 2D+1, no skill can be more than 4D+1 at creation. I personally recommend players start by upgrading what they feel are the archetype’s main skills in their opinion. You start with 6 Hero Points, which can be used to improve rolls on skills, or raise ability scores (as you achieve more). You also receive skill points which are used (you guessed it) to upgrade skills. Skills can reach an infinite number in theory, but attributes can only be raised by 1D. To raise a skill by +1 (a pip) you need tl spend how many D6 the score is (2D to 2D+1 is 2; 2D+1 to 2D+2 is 2; 2D+2 to 3D is 2; 3D to 3D+1 is 3, etc). To raise attributes, you need 6X the whole number to add one pip up to +3 (1D. 3 pips in 1D). Each archetype has suggested equipment. I am of the opinion they are allowed a couple pieces listed and pay for anything else. Money is in Marks: broken down into Phennig (1,2,5,10,20,25,50 denominations); the Mitteleuropa Gold Mark Coin (1/2, 1, 5, 20 denomination); and Banknote Marks (paper) (in 5,10,20,50,100,1000 denominations). Quirks are an option, and if you pick a Quirk, you can pick a Remarkable Ability. Obligations are mandatory and these are the people you answer to. There are tables for Quirks and Remarkable Abilities, or you can create your own (with GM approval). You can also create your own archetype with GM approval. A short solo adventure is included so you can create a PC and run a short adventure to put things together.
Chapter 4 is combat and recovery. The combat sequence is detailed as well as how to recover. Damage is handled a little differently in D6. But first, for combat initiative is rolled each round for fairness, tension, and pulp action. So damage. There’s levels: stunned, wounded, incapacitated, and mortally wounded. You compare DMG and STR totals, and the totals differences determines how hurt one is. Effects are cumulative. Mental Trauma is also a thing, and there’s a table for that.
Chapter 5 is gear and weapons, and offers a variety of things that make you say “ouch.” Chapter 6 includes vehicle rules and various types of vehicles.
Chapter 7 is titled “A World at War,” and describes just that. There are Axis, Allied, and Neutral States. Chapter 8 details running the game. So, GM stuff. Chapter 9 is “Allies, Enemies, and Extras.” It’s exactly what it sounds like. NPC’s out the Waka Jawaka. Chapter 10 is episodes. Adventure ideas. Lastly is Chapter 11. Archetype Templates. All the important stuff of the 24 Archetypes listed, including ability numbers.
As of 6/23/2024, the pdf on DTRPG is $20, and physical copy on is $39.99. I checked out the site and got an email for 10% off. Just saying…

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